
AG Inklusion Heidelberg

Working Group Inclusion - for parents around Heidelberg

Joint Voice for Children

We are an independent working group - especially in the area of the area of early childhood inclusion, e.g. in kindergarten and at school enrolment. We check where we need to make our voice heard and where we can contribute our can contribute our experience.


We offer the opportunity to exchange ideas with other interested parties. Whether parents of children with or without disabilities, people with a professional interest or other interested parties. We are not alone.

Most information on this site is available in German. The English section, however, covers the most important aspects.

Mutual Support

(Mutual) support in everyday life. Exchange of experiences, passing on information, networking if required. However, it is important to note that we do not offer legal advice but draw on a wealth of experience.

Most Recent Blog Posts

First Blog Post

by fbausch

The website of the Working Group Inclusion goes live.

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